Begin your WES journey with YENMEK

Let us guide you through the process seamlessly.

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World Education Services (WES)

WES, or World Education Services, plays a pivotal role in the educational and professional journey of individuals seeking recognition and validation of their international credentials. As a leading credential evaluation organization, WES offers essential services that bridge the gap between education systems worldwide, ensuring that academic achievements are accurately assessed and understood across borders.

For many individuals, obtaining an evaluation from WES is a crucial step in pursuing further education, professional licensure, or employment opportunities in a new country.

At our company, we recognize the importance of WES evaluations in facilitating academic and professional mobility for our clients. Our goal is to provide informative guidance and support to individuals navigating the WES evaluation process, ensuring they have the knowledge and resources needed to achieve their educational and career goals in a new country.

WES Evaluation Process

  • Initial Application: The process begins with the submission of an application to WES, either online or by mail. Applicants are required to provide details about their educational background, including the institutions attended and the credentials earned
  • Documentation Submission: Once the application is submitted, applicants must provide the necessary documentation to support their educational credentials. This typically includes transcripts, diplomas, degree certificates, and any other relevant documents..
  • Document Verification:WES verifies the authenticity of the submitted documents by contacting the issuing institutions directly or through other means of verification. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.
  • Evaluation Review:After verifying the documents, WES evaluators meticulously review the educational credentials to determine their equivalency in the context of the education system in the country where the evaluation is being conducte
  • Evaluation Report Generation: Based on the review, WES generates an evaluation report that provides a detailed analysis of the international credentials. The report typically includes information such as the level of education, GPA equivalent, and a comparison to the education system in the host country.
  • Report Delivery: Once the evaluation report is completed, it is delivered to the applicant through the chosen method of delivery, such as mail or email. Applicants can also access their evaluation report online through the WES portal.

During the WES evaluation process, it's important to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the documentation submitted. Applicants should also provide clear and detailed information about their educational background to facilitate the evaluation process.

Eligibility Criteria for WES Evaluation

To be eligible for a WES evaluation, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Educational Credentials: Applicants must possess educational credentials from institutions outside the country where the evaluation is being conducted.
  • Document Availability: Applicants must be able to provide the necessary documentation to support their educational credentials, including transcripts, diplomas, and degree certificates.
  • Credential Recognition: The educational credentials being evaluated must be from institutions recognized by the educational authorities in the country where the evaluation is being conducted.
  • Meeting these eligibility criteria ensures that applicants can proceed with the WES evaluation process and obtain a comprehensive assessment of their international educational credentials.